About ACS-OC
The world’s first whale conservation organization dedicated to bringing education, current research, and critical conservation issues to Orange County and beyond.
Leading whale conservation for 50 years.
Who we are.
The American Cetacean Society is the first non-profit conservation group anywhere devoted to cetaceans - whales, dolphins and porpoises. ACS National was founded in 1967, and the OC chapter was formed ten years later.
The Orange County Chapter was formed in 1977 by Peter Bryant, Mike Hickey, Dave Beeninga, Dennis Kelly, Barbara Britten, Ganell Baker and others. We have members from all backgrounds, from scientists and educators to people who just love whales!
ACS-OC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, and 100% volunteer.
Leading whale conservation for 50 years.
What we do.
- Monthly meetings with guest speakers. See the featured speaker.
- Training/certifying ACS-OC Naturalists to serve the public on boats, in schools and at other venues. Learn about the program.
- Public outreach at events such as whale festivals and Earth Day celebrations
- Outreach to students at all levels
- Research and scholarship grants
- Chapter whale-watch trips (fundraisers)
- Working with ACS National to guide the organization and help with ACS's biennial International Conference
- Coordination with like-minded organizations in Orange County and elsewhere
- Educating boaters on whale-watch safety, etiquette and applicable laws
- And much more!
Join and support the mission of ACS-OC to protect cetaceans.
Join an elite organization that consists of marine biologists, conservationists, and citizens scientists that support the efforts of the world first cetacean conservation organization.