Alisa Schulman-Janiger
Alisa Schulman-Janiger is a cetacean researcher and educator. Alisa is the Director and Coordinator of the ACS-LA Gray Whale Census and Behavior Project as well as the Lead Research Biologist (and co-founder) of the California Killer Whale Project.
Alisa Schulman-Janiger is a cetacean researcher and educator. She holds a BS in Zoology with Marine Biology emphasis from California State University Long Beach. She has been involved in whale watching and cetacean research since 1978, and is an instructor for the Cabrillo Whalewatch program (training naturalists). She has been an onboard naturalist/researcher in southern California, Monterey Bay, Alaska, Massachusetts, and Baja California, and NOAA cruise staff scientist/marine mammal observer from Alaska to California; she is also on NOAA's Stranding Response Team and Large Whale Entanglement Response Team. She taught marine biology on boats (10 years), and in San Pedro High School's Marine Science Magnet (21 years).